Mandy Dingle (Lisa Riley) is harbouring a secret that could change the future
for her and Paddy (Dominic Brunt) forever in Emmerdale.
It’s a dark secret she’s been keeping to herself, but now that she has a new best friend (soz Vanessa), it’s time for the secret to come out.
Who knew Mandy and Rhona (Zoe Henry) would end up bosom buddies? Especially after Rhona was on the receiving end of some particularly cruel mockery about her ironing her granny pants.
But that’s what a few tequilas will do for you as Rhona demonstrated her muted fun side enough for Mandy to decide she’s not half bad after all.
Mandy speaks to Rhona outside the pub in Emmerdale
Mandy realises she can open up to Rhona (Picture: ITV)
For some people, boring is dependable, and Mandy now sees someone who, though she might not set the world alight with her spontaneity, she can be relied upon in a crisis.
Mandy desperately needs to confide a secret that could destroy her relationship and her business, and of all the people she chooses to confide in, it’s Rhona. The secret – Mandy is completely broke.
Her financial woes are a big problem, especially given that she’s meant to be walking down the aisle with Paddy in the not-too-distant future.
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Producer Sophie has teased the wedding, so we know it goes ahead. But does it all come crashing down?
‘In the Dingle world we’ve got Mandy and Paddy building towards a wedding. It is Mandy and Paddy so that’s going to be filled with fun.
‘We’ve had Mandy’s dress made in-house by one of our dressmakers. It’s going to very Mandy, it’s going to be very big, it’s going to be fun. So, look out for some fun in amongst all that with the Dingles as well.’
Fun, but tragic?
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