Next week on Emmerdale, a dramatic turn of events unfolds as Ella Forster erupts in violence against Wendy Posner during a turbulent 30th birthday. Ella, grappling with the painful anniversary of a tragic event from her past, is pushed to her limits.
The turmoil starts when Ella’s friend Mandy Dingle learns about Ella’s milestone birthday. Despite Ella’s wish for a quiet day, Mandy insists on celebrating and arranges a full beauty treatment for her at the salon. Mandy takes before-and-after photos of Ella to highlight her transformation but crosses a line by posting these images on social media without Ella’s consent. This act enrages Ella, who is keen to avoid unwanted attention due to her criminal history.
As Ella struggles to manage her emotions, Liam Cavanagh notices her distress and sees her smashing her birthday cake in frustration. He offers to join her at her birthday party to help her cope. Although Ella reluctantly agrees and tries to enjoy the day, her plans go awry when Joan’s cousin Gary arrives in the village. Gary confronts Ella with a photo of Joan, intensifying her feelings of guilt.
Desperate to escape, Ella tries to flee but is pursued by Gary. The situation escalates until Ella collapses in distress. Wendy intervenes, leading Ella to the GP surgery for a check-up. However, the day’s traumatic events take their toll, and in a shocking outburst, Ella attacks Wendy without any apparent provocation.
This violent incident raises serious concerns about Ella’s true state of rehabilitation and leaves everyone questioning her stability. Tune in to see how this dramatic development unfolds on Emmerdale.