Next week on Home and Away in the UK, Eden struggles to hide her jealousy as Stevie moves in with Cash, while Justin has a proposal for John.
Cash (Nicholas Cartwright) brings a whole new meaning to ‘bringing your work home’ next week, as he moves client Stevie (Catherine Van-Davies) into his spare bedroom!
Hired as world-famous actress Stevie’s bodyguard as she faced being harassed by a stalker, Cash had initially moved Stevie from her hired yacht into a more secure suite at a city hotel. This past week has seen Stevie’s agency forward her a mystery parcel from a fan, and when Cash opened it he found an innocent looking teddy bear inside.

Stevie thought it a little creepy but harmless, yet Cash’s instincts kicked in. After performing a lobotomy on the bear, Cash discovered a covert camera hidden within.
A still image of Cash and Stevie from the device soon made its way onto an anonymous social media account, but Cash figured there was nothing visible from the camera that would have given away Stevie’s location.
In the meantime, Eden (Stephanie Panozzo) has been feeling somewhat neglected as Cash spent time ensuring Stevie’s safety (Eden, that’s called employment… give it a try some time!).
Next week, Eden and Cash are loved up and looking forward to Cash having a full three days off, whilst Eden has finally been relieved of her own duties of… well… babysitting Remi (Adam Rowland).