Someone in Coronation Street has made it clear to Nathan Curtis that he was not welcome on Wednesday – but could it really one of Bethany Platt’s nearest and dearest?
Actor Christopher Harper has reprised his role as treacherous and manipulative Nathan, amid the mystery weighing around Lauren Bolton’s disappearance. Since his return to the cobbles, Bethany (portrayed by Lucy Fallon) has grown increasingly convinced he could be responsible for the wayward teen’s potential murder, while Roy Cropper remains a suspect.
Viewers of the Manchester-based program will remember that Nathan was thrown behind bars himself along with some of his accomplices in 2017, after he was handed a custodial sentence for raping Bethany. He had then been exposed as a member of a human trafficking ring which Bethany narrowly escaped as a teenager.
During Wednesday’s trip to the cobbles (May 15, 2024), Bethany struggled to cope as Nathan continued to roam the cobbles without a care, claiming to be trying to get his life back together following his prison stint.
But while the aspiring journalist continued to progressively crumble under the pressure, clearly still traumatised by her ordeal, Nathan was boasting about all the attention he was getting in the Street to a mystery caller – and one unknown resident took this as the perfect opportunity to viciously attack him.
Nathan laid unconscious on the ground while, off-screen, ITV viewers were all certain they’d figured out who the culprit was as Bethany’s uncle David Platt (Jack P Shepherd) and former stepfather Gary Windass (Mikey North), who has been getting somewhat close to her mother Sarah again, were both the main suspects.
“That’s got to be Gary looks like his kick”, one viewer commented on X, otherwise known as Twitter. Another added: “I originally thought, definitely gangster Gary… but then I think, he usually lets people know it’s him”, just as third claimed: “It was Gary.”
One soap fan then quipped: “Who beat up Nathan and why was it David?”, as another viewer wrote: “So who’ll go after Nathan-Gary or David? My money’s on Gary.” Elsewhere, another social media user threw more names into the mix as they speculated Bethany’s partner Daniel Osbourne (Rob Mallard) and uncle Nick Tilsley (Ben Price) could also have attacked Nathan. “That definitely sounded and looked like a guy from the back who attacked Nathan – Gary, David, Nick or Daniel, I reckon”, they chimed in.