Emmerdale: Belle and Tom get through a lot of bread, fans note

In last night’s episode of Emmerdale (Wednesday, July 24), a special

episode of the soap aired in which flashback scenes of Tom and Belle were shown.

During these scenes, Belle made Tom some toast but he rejected it and

made her eat the burnt bread instead.

Emmerdale fans have now all spotted a pattern in Belle and Tom’s eating habits afterBelle cowers on the floor in Emmerdale last night’s scenes.

Belle finally escaped her abusive husband (Credit: ITV)

Emmerdale: Belle and Tom’s flashback

A flashback episode last night gave viewers an insight into Belle and Tom’s ‘holiday’ in a Welsh cottage. What started off as a romantic break soon turned into Belle’s worst nightmare.

After overhearing Tom talk about renting out the cottage for longer, Belle realised that Tom had planned on attending a job interview without telling her.

As Belle shared that she didn’t want to move away from Emmerdale village, Tom started bringing up her termination.

Tom then attempted to end his life when Belle suggested that she was scared of him. Afterwards, Belle made him some toast… but Tom made her eat it as it was too burnt for him.

At the end of the episode, after receiving death threats from her husband, Belle managed to grab the keys to the cottage and escape with Piper.

She jumped onto the local bus and handed over the little change she had on her, fleeing from her abusive husband.

Emmerdale's toast on a plate
Belle and Tom sure do love their toast (Credit: ITV)

Emmerdale fans spot huge pattern in Belle and Tom eating habits

Emmerdale viewers have noticed that there’s one type of food that Belle and Tom seem to always be eating. And, that’s bread.

They get through bread like there’s no tomorrow, with Belle serving Tom some burnt toast yesterday evening.

One fan commented: “”That’s the last of the bread,” That’s what happens when you have a groundhog day lifestyle of forever baking toast and staring out into the scenic Welsh countryside thinking ‘how can I kill my hubby and get away with it?’”

A second fan added: “I’ve never ever seen so much toast in one episode.”

A third fan noted: “Toast pops up a lot in this episode.”

Emmerdale's Belle and Piper are running away from Tom
How long has Belle managed to escape for? (Credit: ITV)

What’s next for Belle and Tom?

Last night, viewers would’ve seen Belle and Piper jump on a bus and get away from abusive Tom.

This evening (Thursday, July 25), Charity and Cain worry about Belle’s whereabouts as they survey the damage to the Welsh cottage. But, where has Belle gone to? How long can she stay away from Tom for?

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