Emmerdale’s latest episode ended on a shocking cliffhanger as Rose Jackson’s sudden
disappearance rocked the village. The drama escalated dramatically when Kim Tate
uncovered Rose’s deceitful actions involving Ruby Fox-Milligan. Earlier this week,
Rose executed a cunning plan to get Will Taylor drunk and then seduced him, pretending to rekindle their past romance. However, Will soon realized the gravity of their actions and admitted it was a mistake.
As tensions rose, Rose received a warning from Ruby that Kim had discovered their plot. In a desperate confession, Rose admitted to Will that she had intentionally tried to sabotage his marriage to Kim as part of her scheme with Ruby. Rose was frantic, pleading with Will, expressing regret that their plan had spiraled out of control.
Kim arrived back at Home Farm, revealing that she was aware of everything. She ordered Rose to pack her bags and leave immediately. The situation quickly deteriorated, leading to a dramatic sequence where viewers saw Rose locked in the trunk of a car. When the trunk was opened, Will handed her a wad of cash and instructed her to call Don, explaining that she was leaving Emmerdale.
Back at Home Farm, Kim confronted Will, questioning whether anything had happened between him and Rose. Will chose to lie, assuring Kim that nothing occurred. Meanwhile, Rose was depicted sitting by the roadside, visibly upset and reflecting on how her time in Emmerdale, though brief, had been meaningful.
In a dramatic twist, a vehicle pulled up beside Rose as the scene cut away. Kim expressed to Will her desire never to see Rose again before retreating to her bedroom. The camera then focused on Will, who appeared troubled by the events. The episode concluded with Rose’s personal belongings scattered on the grass, leaving viewers in suspense about her fate. What will become of Rose?