Emmerdale star James Chase has voiced his desire for justice for his character Tom King, who has been embroiled in a disturbing domestic abuse storyline. The tension escalated last month when Belle Dingle finally left her abusive husband, Tom. Despite her departure, Tom remains unpunished and continues to exert his manipulative control over Belle.
Belle’s struggle with Tom’s coercive behavior has been intense, and she has yet to open up to anyone about the full extent of his abuse. The storyline takes a significant turn in this week’s episodes, as Belle returns from a visit to her family in Scotland. Tom seizes this opportunity to pressure her into considering a reconciliation, further complicating her emotional state.
James Chase, who plays Tom, recently spoke to Digital Spy during a photoshoot for the Inside Soap Awards 2024. In the exclusive behind-the-scenes video, Chase discussed the future of the storyline and provided insights into Tom’s ongoing attempts to regain control over Belle. He shared that while Tom’s efforts to manipulate Belle are certainly challenging, it’s evident that she has begun to break free from his influence.
Chase emphasized that Belle has expressed her true feelings and is no longer under Tom’s spell, suggesting that her path to recovery is just beginning. As the drama unfolds, viewers will be watching closely to see whether Tom will succeed in his attempts to reclaim power or if Belle will continue to resist and find her way to freedom. Stay tuned for more emotional twists in this gripping storyline.