Home and Away spoilers follow for Australian-paced episodes, which some UK viewers may prefer to avoid.
Home and Away’s Levi Fowler and Mackenzie Booth are set to be shunned by Summer Bay, as seen in a new trailer for the show.
In recent months, doctor Levi has been having an affair with his patient Mac, behind the back of his wife Imogen.

While their affair is ongoing in the episodes currently airing in the UK, in Australia Levi has confessed all to Imogen and decided to leave her to pursue a proper relationship with Mac.
In dramatic scenes, he told his wife that their marriage was over way before he moved to Summer Bay and he met Mac.
There have understandably been consequences to their affair being exposed, and now a new trailer released on the show’s Instagram teases the negative response from the community, with the caption: “Will the Bay tear them apart?”
In scenes that will air next week in Australia, Levi and Mac face the wrath of Summer Bay, and the voiceover for the trailer says: “It started with an affair. Now, they’re shunned by the Bay. Is the price of love too much?”
Mac’s relationship with Levi has already caused friction between her and her business partner Felicity Newman, who has disapproved of the affair.
Now, Mac is fighting back, and in the new clip she tells Felicity: “I am with Levi now, and my personal life should not come between our business partnership.”