Channel 5
Next week on Home and Away on Channel 5, Levi Fowler finally comes clean with his wife Imogen over his affair with Mackenzie Booth.
There are major rows and recriminations as Levi reveals his plans to leave Imogen, causing her to demand answers over his other woman and whether his sister Eden knew the truth.
Our 31-picture gallery offers a sneak peek at what’s in store.
Tuesday, June 11: Levi faces an anxious wait

He has returned home to confess everything to Imogen.
Tuesday, June 11: Levi receives a phone call

An anxious Mac checks in on him.
Tuesday, June 11: Levi explains that he’s still waiting to speak to Imogen

Imogen still hasn’t returned home.
Tuesday, June 11: Levi’s life is about to change forever

He plans to end his marriage with Imogen so he can be with Mac instead.
Tuesday, June 11: Nearby photos are a poignant reminder of the past

Levi and Imogen once shared happier times.
Tuesday, June 11: The moment of truth arrives for Levi

Imogen finally returns home.
Tuesday, June 11: Levi braces himself

He prepares to tell the truth.
Tuesday, June 11: Levi insists they need to talk

Imogen is taken by surprise.
Tuesday, June 11: Imogen gets the wrong idea

She initially assumes that Levi wants to talk about their plans to start a family, aware that he’s been having doubts over this.
Tuesday, June 11: Levi sets the record straight

He reveals that something much bigger is on his mind.
Tuesday, June 11: Imogen receives a shock

Levi admits that he’s been having an affair and now plans to leave her.
Tuesday, June 11: Imogen pours herself a drink

She struggles to take in the news.
Tuesday, June 11: Imogen demands answers

She wants to know exactly what’s been going on.
Tuesday, June 11: The row continues

But Levi is reluctant to share too many details.
Tuesday, June 11: Imogen doesn’t get all the answers she’d wanted

Levi doesn’t reveal who the other woman is.
Tuesday, June 11: Levi believes that he’s protecting Mac by keeping quiet

But it may only be a matter of time before Imogen discovers the full truth.
Tuesday, June 11: Imogen loses patience

She tells Levi it’s time for him to leave.
Tuesday, June 11: Levi respects Imogen’s wishes

He heads back to the Bay to be with Mac.
Tuesday, June 11: Imogen is devastated

She feels badly betrayed by Levi.
Tuesday, June 11: Imogen breaks down

What does the future hold for her now?
Tuesday, June 11: Levi arrives back at Mac’s place

He updates Mac.
Tuesday, June 11: Mac is relieved

Levi confirms that his marriage is finally over.
Tuesday, June 11: Mac comforts Levi

It’s been an overwhelming day.
Tuesday, June 11: Mac looks to the future

But will it be as smooth sailing as she hopes for?
Wednesday, June 12: Eden receives a phone call

Imogen gets in touch.
Wednesday, June 12: Eden realises Imogen is upset with her

Imogen wrongly assumes that Eden has been hiding the truth from her for weeks. Eden insists this isn’t the case, then decides to visit her to see how she’s doing.
Wednesday, June 12: Levi worries about Imogen

He fears that she won’t be coping after the breakdown of their marriage.
Wednesday, June 12: Mac shares some advice

She suggests that Levi should simply leave Imogen alone now.
Wednesday, June 12: Levi snaps at Mac

He warns her not to give him advice about his marriage.
Wednesday, June 12: Mac is upset

Their relationship is under strain already.
Wednesday, June 12: Mac hopes Levi will forget about Imogen and move on from his guilt

But will he?