It was always a matter of time before Kim Tate (Claire King) found out what Rose
Jackson (Christine Tremarco) has been up to in Emmerdale. Kicked out of her own
home, Kim certainly isn’t going down without a fight and is determined to get to the truth.
Ruby (Beth Cordingly) thinks she is Kim’s match, but oh boy is she wrong. Actress Claire King told ‘I think Ruby would like to think she’s met her match. No, I don’t think she’s on a par with Kim, Kim could be a little bit more dangerous.’ Ooh, spicy.
Rose has been on a mission – set by Ruby – to bed Will and destroy Kim Tate’s world. After a lot of work, and a drink spiking debacle, Rose is about to get what she’s after. But will it be worth the price she pays?
Kim has been forced out of her home and has moved into the B&B, and she is none too happy about it. This downtime is perfect though – it gives her a chance to dig into whatever is going on with Rose.
(Emmerdale: Rose issues sinister threat which would trigger murderous Kim)
Kim confronts Rose in Home Farm in Emmerdale
Kim was always going to get revenge (Picture: ITV)
Rose, meanwhile, is loving having dethroned the queen. She is pushing her feet further under the table and plies the kids with treats while making herself at home – she sets up a gaudy bar as she claims her new territory. But her joy is shattered when Ruby tells her that her time is up, sleep with Will or it’s all over.
Will is left down when Kim ignores him in the village, which gives Rose her opportunity – sidling up to him, she makes her killer move. The next day Rose coyly tells him it shouldn’t have happened, but before Will can do much else, Rose gets a mysterious call.
Elsewhere, Kim is in full bring-down-Rose mode and ventures to the outskirts of the village where she meets the same dealer Rose met. She grills him for who booked him, but though he won’t give up the goods she knows Rose wasn’t behind it.
It’s not long before Kim twigs something is up when she has a brief conversation with Caleb. Kim turns up at Ruby’s house and spots the bottle of her posh brandy, a dead giveaway.
She tells Ruby they need to chat, and Ruby instantly knows the jig is up. But she’s not going down without seeing through the plan – and delightedly lets Kim know her marriage is over. Kim disagrees and returns home.
But whatever she does in the meantime results in PC Swirling arriving at Home Farm with some devastating news for Dawn – Rose is missing and he’s querying her welfare and whereabouts. Her handbag has been found, and Kim and Will share a very guilty look. Has Kim taken her revenge too far?
When asked by if Kim would go down another dark path with Rose like she has many times before, Claire King divulged:
‘I think she is more than capable. But whether she would go down that line now I’m not sure, it depends how badly things go… I think Rose is in serious doo doo.’