In a shocking turn on Emmerdale, Caleb Milligan’s plans take a dramatic twist as he targets a legendary figure in the village. In the latest episode, Jimmy King receives alarming news while working, unaware that Caleb is the mastermind behind it. Jimmy had sent Rodney on an assignment involving stolen goods, and upon returning, found Caleb surrounded by the missing boxes at Mill Cottage. Caleb then reveals his scheme to Ruby: to sabotage Jimmy’s company by destroying it, leveraging Kim and Will’s shared ownership.
Tonight, Jimmy faces an unexpected inspection from a government official who finds discrepancies in the tachograph records from his trucks, leading to a hefty fine. Shocked and anxious, Jimmy confides in Nicola about his secretive extra driving to make more money, which complicates their financial situation. Meanwhile, Caleb confronts the inspector and refuses to pay the bribe, enraged by the inspector’s arrogance.
In further developments, Caleb is actively plotting against Kim Tate, who has been embroiled in ongoing conflicts with him. Following the disappearance of Rose Jackson, Caleb’s vendetta is clear as he continues his scheme against Home Farm and its residents. Dawn attempts to convince Kim and Will to hire a private detective to find Rose, but their efforts are thwarted by Caleb’s manipulations.
Caleb’s recent actions are part of a larger scheme to undermine Kim Tate, with plans to dismantle Home Farm and retaliate against those who have wronged him. As tensions rise, Caleb’s betrayal and his strategic moves against the village’s key players set the stage for more explosive confrontations.