LPBW stars Zach and Tori Roloff often have to take their kids to the hospital because of the complications they face. Apparently, Jackson, Lilah, and Josiah have inherited dwarfism from their father and have to deal with a lot. This is why there have been instances when these little stars had to go under the knife.
Amid all this, Tori revealed that Josiah had to undergo surgery. She made a shocking revelation and left her audience in disbelief. But why did the star kid have to undergo the knife? Is he fine? What is he dealing with these days?
LPBW: Josiah Had A Crucial Surgery For His Tonsils!
Tonsils have been troubling the LPBW Roloffs for a while now. Lilah initially landed in the hospital because of her tonsils and sleep apnea. Hence, the celeb had surgery and got her tonsils out at an early stage. Lilah dealt with the dynamics like a champ, and viewers weren’t able to believe their eyes when they witnessed her courage.

However, Tori and Zach again had to pay a hospital visit for tonsils. This time, it was Josiah, and he also had to undergo surgery because of it. The matriarch shared a picture of her son, who was lying on a hospital bed. The star kid was sleeping while he had an IV drip on his hand. Tori revealed that the second “Tonsillectomy” was finally done.
Tori hoped that she wouldn’t have to return to the hospital for a while now. She further praised Josiah for doing a “great job” and dealing with the entire surgery like a superstar. However, the celeb’s frustration was evident when she concluded, “Peace out tonsils!.” Fans who initially lost their calm after watching the picture finally took a sigh of relief. Tori assured her audience that Josiah was much better now.
LPBW: How Are Lilah & Jackson Doing After Their Surgeries?
The Roloff kids had to opt for surgeries just to fix the complications that came with their dwarfism to live a normal life. Apparently, Jackson was the first one to go under the knife. He has to deal with bowed legs, because of which he had surgery even w hen he was way too young for all this. The star again had to go for a second round, which he didn’t want the LPBW cameras to record.