KEN Barlow could be about to embark on his most surprising romance to date with a much younger
Viewers of Coronation Street will see him in need of some more companionship over the next few weeks
as it becomes clear he has formed a strong bond with a very unlikely Weatherfield resident.

Fans of the ITV show know that Ken has been supported by Cassie Plummer since he suffered his fall.
Cassie became an employee as a carer for Ken, played by Bill Roache, and helped to look after him and aide him as he went about his daily needs.
It has seen the former drug addict become a regular sight at Number 1 but her time at the house seems to be coming to an end.
Cassie (Claire Sweeney) has been increasingly pushed out by Tracy who has returned and insisted her dad does not need a permanent carer.
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Soon, it will seem that Ken also comes to the same way of thinking as his daughter but this in turn reveals the real reason he has been keeping Cassie around.
Whilst Ken is forced to admit that he no longer needs a carer to help him, he has grown to love spending time with Cassie.
He confesses that he wishes for Cassie to stay on as his carer just so they can spend time with one another.
At 85, could it be that Ken is about to find himself on the arm of another lady once more?
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Elsewhere, Cassie will be dealing with her own issues after Tracy accuses her of actually being after another member of her family.
She will be left convinced that Cassie is after her ex Steve and that is her main reasoning for sticking around the Barlow’s house.
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Fans will remember that Cassie was hoping to enjoy a date night with Steve a few weeks ago but the hapless cabbie was none the wiser.
With two potential suitors, and both linked to Tracy, will Cassie be the next Street resident to find love?